Calypso/Aurora Gold Reviews

Calypso/Aurora Gold Reviews


"The highest compliment I can give is that I enjoyed the music. Overall, an extremely fine piece of engineering with factory support of the highest order. I can recommend this record deck with complete confidence."

-Hi Fi World  Read Full Review


"The musical and sonic resolution of the OL pair results in a deep aesthetic reaction to music, the most satisfactory and consistent I’ve yet experienced. A Most Wanted Component of the Year? Yes."

- Stereo Times Review  Read Full Review


"The Aurora Mk1 provided 2 years of great pleasure in this home and if the sound it delivered could have be described as good then this upgrade is simply astonishing and I now understand the praise the Aurora Gold has received from so many reviewers. This is a giant killer of a deck and delivers a true sense of realism in music."

-John Betterten, UK  Read Full Review