Amphion Argon1 Loudspeaker Pair

Amphion Argon1 Loudspeaker Pair

Amphion Argon3S Loudspeaker Pair

With the Argon3S, we bring to home environment the same technologies which allow sound engineers and artists to “see” deeper into their own music. Now, studio monitoring technologies are within reach of music lovers, who want to hear their favorite music as the artist intended.
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Why should the sounds from loudspeakers used for enjoying music in the home be any different from the sound those products generate in making it? Surely it is all about listening to what the artist intended – no colour, no exaggeration, just pure music as it was created. We never wear pink-tinted glasses when appreciating a painting. So why would we tint the sound when listening to music?

Argon3S bookshelf loudspeakers bring to the home audio environment the same technologies which allow sound engineers and artists to “see” deeper into their recordings. Now, with Argon3S loudspeaker, studio monitoring technologies are within reach of music lovers who wish to hear their favorite music as the artist intended. Amphion Argon3S provides home audio enthusiasts with an unprecedented level of naturalness, musicality, life-like imaging, precision, and detail – which professionals in recording and mastering studios utilize daily to produce the magic for music lovers all over the world.

With Argon3S, you can enjoy a wide sweet spot with an impressive stereo image, and still, keep the accurate balance even at low listening levels. The clear and transparent mids, smooth highs, and an incredibly honest bass response would please your ears either in a high-end stereo setup or 2.1 and 5.1 home theater systems.

Audition an Argon3S bookshelf loudspeaker for yourself, and be prepared for countless hours of listening pleasure, while discovering new details and nuances – even in your favorite songs you thought you knew by heart. Enjoy studio-quality sound in the comfort of your own living room.

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