Dual Armboard Exchange - Aurora (MK3, MK4, MK5)


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If you wish to have the dual armboard option then please return your old subchassis WITH bearing attached to us to exchange the sub-chassis to dual armboard type.

We are sorry but cannot simply send out a new subchassis as alignment, fit up and levels are critical and something only we can carry out.

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Dual Armboard Exchange - Aurora (MK3, MK4, MK5)
Dual Armboard Exchange - Aurora (MK3, MK4, MK5)

In stock



    Origin Live 9.5" Dual Armboard Exchange for Aurora

    The dual armboard allows two 9.5" Origin Live or Rega arms to be fitted to the deck. Reasons for this are as below:

    • If you have dirty or damaged records you can play them through a cheap cartridge without needing to change cartridge.
    • You may have 2 cartridges for particular applications such as a mono cartridge for mono records.
    • If you set up the arms for different record thicknesses it avoids needing to keep adjusting the vta.
    • Dealers use them to enable quick comparisons of different tonearms with the same cartridge.

    Conversion to dual armboards means that we swap over your existing subchassis for the dual armboard subchassis. When you order this option you will need to return your existing subchassis - Instructions on how to detatch and replace the subchassis are available on our web site support pages. Please see top navigation bar.

    (Tonearm shown for illustration only)

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