Tony Sharman Platter Mat Review

I have a Lexan platter which when purchased had the proviso that any platter mat would be detrimental to the overall sound and detail retrieval. To protect the records I made an interface from an antistatic record sleeve so as to give my precious vinyl some protection from surface scratches. The addition of this did not add or subtract from the sound as did the Ringmat or the Dumpa mat, both of which deadened the sound and lost detail.

So when trying the Origin Live platter mat it was with trepidation, you can however remove it and get your money back, (take note other suppliers ). If it’s not every bit as good as promised. No way is it coming of my deck. There are degrees of improvement that can be almost impossible to quantify and this was the case with the addition of the platter mat. I did an A-B with the ringmat and the dumpa. There was a staggering difference in clarity and timing, with the OL mat. To actually hear an improvement over a Lexan platter was almost beyond belief, so overall a very satisfactory purchase.

Tony Sharman