The Difference between Tonearm Models
Tonearms, Design

One of the questions a lot of people ask is whether they will hear much difference between the various grades of arm we offer?
Tonearms are recognised as a major contributor to sound quality and with the arrival of new ultra-high-end arms some of the more respected reviewers are saying that they are on a par with a change to a superior turntable.
This certainly agrees with the feedback we receive from those who change their tonearms. By way of example you may find some owner comments we’ve received in the past month of interest (published with kind permission of writers).
Comment from owner of a Rega deck installing an Origin Live Onyx arm (£450).
“The Onyx is already on my RP3. After I sent you the RB303 as part exchange, you sent it on Friday, I received it on Saturday, fitted and set it up and have been playing ever since. What a stunning and dramatic difference it has made. It is so good. I used to have a Sondek LP12 fitted with an Ecos arm/Asaka cartridge and in my estimation your Onyx with the Goldring 1012GX sounds more musical with fantastic sound stage. I listen mostly to classical and jazz and really am thrilled with the outcome.”
Many thanks
Stan Bruce, UK
Owner comment on the trade in of an Origin Live Illustrious arm for an Origin Live Enterprise (top of the range)
“Since I installed an Enterprise, I have had to listen to all my records to find out what they sound like. I am hearing overtones, harmonics, like I’ve never even imagined were in the grooves. CD’s used to sound okay, now they are nearly unlistenable. Keep up the great work.”
Craig Niedzielski, USA
Owner comment on the trade in of an Origin Live Silver MK3a arm (£675) for an Origin Live Encounter (£1345).
“I had to put ‘pen to paper’ so to speak after having a few weeks to assess my new Encounter arm which I part exchanged with my Silver mk3a.
I am so pleased with the performance of the new arm. I can’t get over the sense of space between instruments/vocalists etc and venue on my records. It seems unflappable to put it simply and I loved the Silver for that too. I use it on a Gyrodec and it would appear to be a great match.
The treble is so ‘airy’ It seems to breathe almost and the mid is superb too. I think the bass is also in another league compared to the silver, it has much more authority and “drives” the music in a natural way that I have not heard from my system before.
As you may have gathered I am a very happy customer and am left wondering how much better my vinyl front-end can get!?
Other equipment…. Dynavector DV20xl Cart’, Trichord Dino Phono stage with NC Power Supply, Michell QC (AC) Power Supply feeding Audio Note M Zero pre amp, Audiolab 2000M Mono Blocs and Tannoy Td8s Aided and abetted with a REL T7i subwoofer. Chord Epic speaker cable and various QED Signature/Reference Interconnects.
I am so happy with the way the sound has improved and wanted to thank you.”
Mark Young, UK
If you find this of interest, or even if you are skeptical about upgrading your arm, we offer a money back guarantee scheme with very reasonable trade in values for your current Origin Live arm (we also accept Regas and new generation SME arms). Please email or phone +44 (0)2380578877to discuss further.